Obligation free quotes
Restorative On-Site Services
Specialists in re-powder coating and repair of all pre-existing wrought iron and steel products.
The Sustainable Approach
Promoting restoration, salvaging and repairing existing wrought iron security products is a more sustainable approach than replacing with non-iron options. It’s usually a cheaper option as well.
Tools and facilities
State of the art machinery to take care of any specification in our Thornbury workshop.
We have the expertise to repair all pre-existing wrought iron and steel products including security doors, fence panels, window grills, gates and balustrades.

Our clients, experience and expertise is second to none in the industry and our work ranges from small residential jobs to large briefs from some of Melbourne’s most respected organisations.

Our turnaround times are unrivalled. Give us a call and we will do our best to meet your deadline, no matter how tight it may be. We enjoy a challenge!